![LingvoSoft Talking Picture Dictionary 2017 English <-> Arabic for Windows](http://img.informer.com/icons/png/48/193/193167.png)
LingvoSoft Talking Picture Dictionary 2008 English <-> Arabic for Windows is one piece of a complete language learning and translation solution for your PC. That complete solution would be the LingvoSoft Dictionary 2008. Each piece can handle two languages but if you prefer you can burn the whole solution at once. Once installed on your desktop or laptop PC this dictionary translates between the languages included in your version (piece) or, if you have the complete solution, between the languages you choose. LingvoSoft Dictionary 2008 for Windows is fully integrated with LingvoSoft FlashCards and LingvoSoft PhraseBook, other language resources and tools developed by the same producer. You can easily select and export words from the dictionary to the FlashCards database or find phrases with the word in PhraseBook.
The LingvoSoft Picture Dictionary 2008 has been specially designed for those who study foreign languages. Pictures help to find words fast and easy and to memorize them effortlessly. You can begin studying a foreign language by learning the LingvoSoft Picture Dictionary 2008 topics.
The first time you start the program the registration window will appear on the screen. You will need to register your program to get access to the full dictionary database. While using the trial version, only 10% of the database is available to users. Just enough to get an idea of what this software is about and how it is used. If the language of the dictionary is not installed on your computer you will see the dialog window, notifying you that the program may run with errors. It means that the operating system requires support for the dictionary languages installed. So before buying LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary, you make sure your system complies all requirements for fully functionality. If it doesn’t, you can click on Regional options to start installation of the required language support. The Regional Options window will appear and you can choose and set the language of the dictionary, quick and easy.
About system requirements, here’s a list for you to check out:
• Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista
• 16 MB of free space on the hard disk
• at least 64 MB of system memory
• Internet Explorer 6.0
• sound card
When you start LingvoSoft Picture Dictionary, the application window is displayed with the following elements:
- Menu Bar: contains the following items: Picture Dictionary Menu; View Menu - allows user to change the appearance of the main program window; Related Software Menu - use it to work with related LingvoSoft applications; Help Menu - use it to register your software copy or to get help on Picture Dictionary.
- Basic Functions Toolbar: The Basic Function Toolbar is below the Menu Bar and is used for quick call of basic functions of the dictionary and to operate the Topic List. It includes a number of buttons with specific functions assigned to them:
o Change direction: Changes the direction of translation.
o Back: Returns you back to the Topic List in one step.
o Forward: Cancels the Back button (menu item) action.
o Home: Click to get back to the topic icons window.
o Find: Calls the Find window. Use it to start search in Picture Dictionary.
o Show pictures: Turns on or off pictures.
o Show comments: Turns on or off comments.
o Find in LingvoSoft Dictionary: Use to start search for the word through LingvoSoft Dictionary. This button is active only when a single word is highlighted.
o Add word to LingvoSoft FlashCards: Adds the word or phrase to LingvoSoft FlashCards.
o Add topic to LingvoSoft FlashCards: Adds the entire topic to LingvoSoft FlashCards.
o Find phrases with this word in LingvoSoft PhraseBook: Use to find phrases containing the current word in LingvoSoft PhraseBook.
o Help: Opens the Help document.
- Topic List: The Picture Dictionary topics are arranged in the Topic List which is displayed on the left of the application window.
- Words Panel: Displays the list of words and translation of the selected word below the list.
- Learning Panel: allows you to learn words of the current subtopic by means of an entertaining game.
- Words Pronunciation button: The words pronunciation feature is available for both languages. All words are spoken by professional announcers in high-definition digital recordings.
You can buy this product right from the developer’s site on Internet for $ 29.95, and you can try it before all the time you need but with the limitation mentioned before.